News and Events


2023-12-12 10:23 Bike rides
The first ever Bicycle Buds meet up took place on a wet and stormy Sunday in early December 2023. This is a few of us pictured as we're about to join the Greenway from the Carrowholly side of Westport.

Due to the predicted strong winds, we played it by ear and decided it best to do a shorter route that would be less exposed. Even though it was a very wet day, in reality it actually didn't rain ALL the time, I mean, we did need waterproofs but it wasn't the kind of rain that has you soaked to the skin in minutes.
We ended up doing just shy of 30km, weaving around the coastline and through the grounds of Westport House, we then headed towards Rossmoney Pier and along the quiet back roads, having a cup of tea and chats in The Gallery to finish off.

You're one ride away from a good mood - Sarah Bentley

We all agreed that we felt better for having got out and done a ride, despite the inclement weather. It was lovely to have chats and to meet new people and learn about what makes them tick, chat about some adventures not on and off the bicycle and we look forward to the next ride, most likely in the New Year now.
All in all, we were all able to really enjoy the riding and the chatting and camaraderie. Michael and Nancy had town bikes, Aran had his old very trusty mountain bike and Violetta had a borrowed racer. I was on my touring bike (only bike). And that's kind of the point of the Bicycle Buds rides, they are a space to be able to meet up and go on bicycle rides without a need for five-grand bikes, shaved legs or the latest kit. They are a space to simply enjoy riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace with a group of nice people. A space where we can all have a chat about this, that and the other and learn new things.